Thursday, December 23, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

6 months old!

Jacks is 6 months old! He is almost sitting up completely by himself, scooting backwards and flipping over. He doesn't quite roll yet, but we are getting there! He is having breakfast, lunch and dinner now! Jack is right about the 95% for his height and weight:

20 lbs 15 oz
27 1/2 inches

That is our Happy Jack!

(I am trying to get pics, but we just got our camera back from the repair store and I can not figure out my new day!)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy 5 months old Baby Jack!

Jack is 5 months old today! Wow! Time flies! He started green beans yesterday. Jack likes food, but he was very unsure about these green beans! He gagged the first 5 or so times, but then he got the hang of it! He also slept from 7:30 to 5:15 am! You would have thought it was my birthday or something! LOL! He is still a very happy Jack! These are some pics from last night with his first night of green beans. We didn't get the camera out until after he got going so he is much happier here than he was on the first few bites!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween with the Fruehans!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! We were a family full of super heroes this year! Everyone had a great time! We went trick or treating with Reed, Molly, Rebecca, Josh and Dana! (more pics to come)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

4 Month Old Stats

We went to Jack's 4 month old well visit today and here is what we found out:

weight - 18 lbs 4.5 oz 95%

height - 25.5 in 50%

head - 75%

So.....he loves his bottles and cereal!!!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jack eating rice cereal!

This is Jack's first day of eating rice cereal! He loved it!

It is Halloween time!

Jack in the exercise chair!

This was taken last week! He loves his new exercise chair, the big kids love it too!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Moving the Play Room!

We moved the play room to the study so that the boys could have a room and the girls could have a room! This is the big kids moving all of the toys. They were so excited and running so fast! They love having big kid beds and new rooms. The rooms are not fully decorated, but they are getting there!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Big Kids Swim Lessons

They had a great time! Didn't get tons of lessons because it rained almost the whole month of July...oh well, they liked it!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Jack!

Jack is 3 months old today! Happy Birthday! And of course I have no pics....things have been crazy going back to work. I can't seem to find much spare time to get on the blog and post. I am always about 5 steps behind!!! 4 kids and a new job....who new? And, we broke our camera this past weekend. But, I will post some new pictures soon!! Jack is doing great, the big kids are so good with him and they love having a baby brother! They love that they get to do so many things that he doesn't LOL! So, check back soon! Hopefully by the end of the weekend I will have new pics up!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy Jack!

Happy Jack at 7 weeks old today!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

5 1/2 weeks old!

Here is Jack, 5 1/2 weeks old, with a fresh bath and fluffy hair to go with it! His adorable over alls are from The Burkes...too cute!

Slippy Slide!

The kids played on a slip and slide Saturday. They called it a Slippy Slide! There is definitely a reason why the box says 5 and up...they don't get how to slide at 3! So, we would pick them up and throw them down the slide, they loved it. It was great!

Cowboy Dress up Day!

Last Monday was Cowboy Dress up Day at school! We ended up looking more like farmers than cowboys, but the kids had fun!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Baby Jack's 1 month appointment!

Jack went to the doctor yesterday for his 1 month old shots! He is now weighing in at 10 lbs 2.5 oz! In case you forgot, 2 weeks ago when he was there for his 2 week appointment he weighed 7 lbs 15 oz. So, lets just say Baby Jack is ready to be a big kid already! The only thing chunky on him is his double chins!!! We go back in 4 weeks so I will keep you updated!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

This is us at the 4th of July Parade in Friendswood! Randall had to work, but I took the kids with my parents and Kelley and Brody met us there (Matt was working too). The kids loved the parade. It was very hot, but we made it through the whole thing with out any crashing!!! Randall and my Dad got to the parade sight at 6:00 am to put the tent up and reserve the spot! My Dad said there were tons of people already there and one guy had a lantern, who knows how long he had been there! Jack had the best seat in the house, laying down with a fan going only at him!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

More Father's Day Pics!

We ate lunch at T-bone Tom's! Yummy! Chase kept everyone around us laughing because of his hot dog! It was the hot dog on the kid's menu!

Charlene enjoying her lunch!
Carolyn enjoying her lunch!