Wednesday, January 27, 2010

IT IS A BOY!!!!!!

Yay! We found out Monday that our precious baby #4 is going to be a boy! We are very excited and so are the kids!

We have decided to name him Jack Eston Chapman. Jack is from my Grandmother (Jackie) who passed away last year (she always wanted a baby to be named after her, we are excited an hope she is too). Eston is Randall's Grandfather's middle name!

We told the kids Monday night that they were going to have a new baby brother soon and his name would be Jack! Chase said, "Jack can come over to our house and play tomorrow!" So cute! They call him Little Jack or Baby Jack. This morning Carolyn wanted to be a big brother because we just got finished saying Chase was going to be a big brother (apparently we need to talk more about how cool it is to be a big sister!). We are going to have to keep trying to talk to her about that! Charlene is just whatever! She smiles and talks about him, but she doesn't feel the need to go on about him like the other 2!!!

I will scan the pictures in tonight from the ultrasound!