Thursday, September 30, 2010

Moving the Play Room!

We moved the play room to the study so that the boys could have a room and the girls could have a room! This is the big kids moving all of the toys. They were so excited and running so fast! They love having big kid beds and new rooms. The rooms are not fully decorated, but they are getting there!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Big Kids Swim Lessons

They had a great time! Didn't get tons of lessons because it rained almost the whole month of July...oh well, they liked it!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Jack!

Jack is 3 months old today! Happy Birthday! And of course I have no pics....things have been crazy going back to work. I can't seem to find much spare time to get on the blog and post. I am always about 5 steps behind!!! 4 kids and a new job....who new? And, we broke our camera this past weekend. But, I will post some new pictures soon!! Jack is doing great, the big kids are so good with him and they love having a baby brother! They love that they get to do so many things that he doesn't LOL! So, check back soon! Hopefully by the end of the weekend I will have new pics up!!