Thursday, March 31, 2011

9 1/2 months and.....he is crawling!

Jack just went for his 9 month check up and he is 24 lbs 6 oz...29 inches long! I just told the doctor yesterday that the daycare said he would be crawling by Friday....well he started today! Our big boy, what have we got ourselves in to? Here is Jack in his crawling debut!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Jack and Charlene

Jack plays the Uh Oh game with the kids! He throws his toy on the ground and then as soon as they pick it up and give it to him, he starts cracking up! This is not a really good video of it, but it is cute and Charlene is hilarious because she is so worried about being on the camera that she is kind of silly! Jack did this with Carolyn at the restaurant the other night and had other tables watching and laughing!