Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It was a good day at school today!

The kids had a good day at school (Bec Bec's Day Care)! They had no potty accidents and didn't get in to trouble (apparently we have a pushing problem...oops), so we were giving them their chocolate Easter Bunnies from Uncle Chuck. Charlene loved hers (she also had gizzards that night from the chicken place, she eats everything!). The other 2 had little bites, but I am not sure if chocolate is their thing, but they sure were excited about the Easter Bunnies! Thanks Uncle Chuck!

When I picked them up from school they were so excited to tell me they had a good day and they were going to go home and eat their Easter bunnies! Chase told me, "I went poo-poo in the potty Mommy! You're so happy for me aren't you! Yes!" Before that at some point he managed to give me a "Gig 'em!" too!

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