Monday, March 1, 2010

How did they do it?

So when we opened the kids beds to day beds instead of cribs we put one of the child proof door handles on there so they couldn't get out. We did this over Christmas break. We haven't had any problems, in fact they haven't even tried to get out except for during the day when they are playing around. So Saturday morning Randall went to get breakfast and right after he left I heard Chase's voice echoing through the monitor. He had opened the door (no big deal) and was looking for me! He was so proud of him self! So of course Sunday morning he and Charlene come running in to our bedroom! Then again this morning all 3 of them. However, it was really nice this morning because we had woken up late so I was able to tell them to go potty and get ready to get dressed while I finished myself!

Crazy though! My mom could barely open it the other day and here comes Chase running out! LOL! They are just growing so fast!

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