Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! The kids had a great day! They hunted eggs all day long! They actually started hunting on Thursday at school, but they never took their picture with the Easter Bunny (he came to school, but they wanted nothing to do with him)! Oh well! We hunted eggs at the house Sunday morning. As soon as Chase woke up he was trying to look outside the windows to see if the Easter Bunny had come! If you ask the kids what happened on Easter they say, "Jesus carried the cross." Not bad for 3! They are learning! After our morning hunt we had crawfish (or for the kids more candy and junk)! Then we did another Easter egg hunt with Dylan and Savannah. Then we had more cakes, ice cream, and sugar! When we got home, our neighbors Caleb and Liz had family and friends over so they invited the kids over for another Easter egg hunt! They were pros by then! They had that yard cleaned up in less than 2 minutes! It was a great day with family and friends! By the end of the day I think the kids had more candy than they had ever had in their whole life!

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